Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Write Ethos

How to Write Ethos While working on ethos, you have to realize that it has to show the way the readers recognize the writer. Below we present the main features that the readers may find out about the writer. Note, that in the case with ethos the writer never mentions himself. So, among the features the readers may ascribe to you there are lazy, careful, educated, enthusiastic, dishonest, boring, etc. All these features may be ascribed by the reader to the writer after he says what he has to say and the way he says it. Readers have also an opportunity to describe the writer’s appearance, his gender, his fashion style and whether he speaks with an accent. It is highly important for you to set 2 specific aims to reach while building up your ethos. The first one lies in the fact that you have to make your readers trust you. The second – you need to make your readers respect or even like you. When you read â€Å"like you†, don’t think that it is necessary to make your readers go out with you for a date after they finish reading your paper. The point is that readers usually appreciate what you have done, that is they respect you for the interesting paper you have written. In order to create a strong ethos, follow these simple recommendations: You need to have good pathos/logos. You need to show your readers that you have performed a thorough research of your topic. You need to show your enthusiasm concerning your topic. You need to express empathy if it’s appropriate. Remember, in case you perform limited research for your ethos, your readers will definitely be less inclined to trust what you have written. Thus, your support of arguments won’t be convincing and valuable. Never forget to check your paper for grammar mistakes and typos. Otherwise, your readers will never respect you and won’t be interested in reading it at all. Show your readers that you care about what you are writing and be sensitive where it is appropriate.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is the Highest Form of Technology

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence â€Å"is any intellect that vastly outperforms the best human brains in practically every field† (Bostrom). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the highest forms of technology that we can create and can benefit the world in many ways if done correctly. The United States need to focus more resources on building this technology because there is no moral issues about building AI; working on it now is much safer than waiting for someone else, another nation or a group of people, to build it incorrectly; and AI can solve many if not all of humanities problems. A big issue that people have with AI is that they see it as a robot that resembles a human like in the movie Terminator or they resemble slaves like in the movie iRobot. What they don’t know is that AI should not have human motives and are willing servants (Bostrom). AI must have three important qualities to be considered AI (Flordi and Sanders 363-370). They must Respond to other living thi ngs around it, change itself to according to its own programmed rules(autonomy), and it also must change itself according to the environment around it(adaptability) (Flordi and Sanders 363-370). Just because AI has similar qualities as humans doesn’t specifically mean they have to be built to look like humans do (Bostrom). They could be built to look like a desktop computer or be a box with wheels and arms and it would still be AI. The other problem is that people think AI would have humanShow MoreRelatedIntroduction. The Accounting Industry Provides Unlimited1529 Words   |  7 Pagesinvolvement, fraudulent activity, and the use of artificial intelligence (Hoover s Inc, 2017). Young accounting professionals and investors alike are showing more interest into the accounting industry. Interest spans from millennials seeking investment services, to accounting graduates seeking work within the industry; both of which prognosticate a bright future. 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Artificial Intelligence can neverRead MoreThe Idea Of Artificial Intelligence1613 Words   |  7 PagesThe idea of Artificial Intelligence is a widely discussed topic, mostly filled with propaganda, in an Information Technology ruled society like ours today. As said by Christof Koch, president and chief scientific officer of the Allen institute for Brain Science in Seattle: â€Å"Within a decade these instances of ‘weak’ or ‘narrow’ AI—able to replicate specific human tasks—will permeate society. Siri is only the beginning. Driverless cars and trucks will become the norm, and our interactions i n supermarketsRead MoreEssay on Self Driving Automobiles. Is it reality?1040 Words   |  5 Pagesthis technology driven by artificial intelleigence is just around the corner. Don’t freak out if driving in Nevada, and you see a car driving by iteself, the state issued the first licence for a self driven car. The vehicle is identified by a red licence plate along with an infinity symbol. Other states including Florida and California have also passed laws to run the test cars and other states and provinces and countrys will be next in line. citation While researching the topic, artificial intelligenceRead MoreSome Principles Of Stratification By Kingsley Davis And Wilbert E. Moore1672 Words   |  7 Pagessociety is â€Å"classless,† or unstratified, an effort is made to explain, in functional terms, the universal necessity which calls forth stratification in any social system† (16). The unequal distribution of goods and resources, or stratification, is what forms varying social classes (17). I agree with this because the amount of access people have to resources, impacts their education level, life skills, and job opportunities. For example, if there are two children, one of whom is able to afford school suppliesRead MoreEthical Issues Of Artificial Intelligence1783 Words   |  8 PagesTo be specific, artificial intelligence is the core subject under programming that has a particular subcase that is affected. This subject is automation which includes, but not limited to, robotics and human machine interface. Th e specific topics can be interrelated when viewing it in a computer/electrical engineer’s perspective. They pose both good and bad situations for consumers which I will evaluate for each case. Keep in mind that automation is a product artificial intelligence which is the coreRead MoreThe Growth Of A New Standard For Accounting Services1272 Words   |  6 Pagesproducts being shipped to customer’s door via drone. This type of technology would substitute the traditional form of shipping an item. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Astrology Essay Research Paper Astrology From the free essay sample

Astrology Essay, Research Paper Astrology From the morning of civilization, worlds have looked with admiration and awe at the celestial spheres, seeking to understand the nature of the Sun Moon and planets. Astrology and uranology are sometimes baffled, but they are both really different from each other. Astrology and astronomy started off as being the same as they had both developed a set of principals the originated more than 2000 old ages ago. But during the 1500 # 8217 ; s and 1600 # 8217 ; s several uranologists made finds about the celestial organic structures that conflicted with the rules of star divination. As a consequence uranology and star divination became highly different in their methods and intents. Astrology is the survey of the places and motions of astronomical organic structures, which are fundamentally concentrated on the Sun, Moon, and planets. including their effects on our prevarications and events on Earth. Astrology was studied in great item amongst the antediluvian Egyptians, Hindus, Ch inese, Estrucans and chaledeans of babilonia. We will write a custom essay sample on Astrology Essay Research Paper Astrology From the or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The chaledeans are credited with the beginning of star divination in a crude signifier. They observed the influence of the celestial organic structures, and the of import significance of the Sun governing the seasons and finding the harvests, they besides believed that the power that ordered a human life resided in the celestial spheres and that it # 8217 ; s message could be read at that place. Later on the spread of Christianity altered the character of star divination. The Arabs found astrology less of import yet still accepted it, but to the Christians it was less acceptable, although it was often practised during the in-between ages. In the 16th century uranologists like The great Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo weakened the foundations of star divination and proved that the thought of an Earth centred existence was no longer valid and as astronomy became closer to lt ;< p>being an exact science, astrology became less acceptable. Many people throughout the world believed in astrology, these people would base very important decisions on the advice of astrologers, while others claimed that astrology had no scientific value and considered it to be merely a form of entertainment. Astrological advice and forecasts can be found in many daily newspapers, and several magazines and books are published on the subject every year. Most of this advice appears in a from known as horoscope. which was originally an elaborate chart drawn up to indicate what influences the heavenly bodies would have on the life of an individual born at a particular time. Horoscopes are drawn according to twelve birth sings. An individual’s astrological horoscope is determined by the position of all the planets at the exact moment of birth. Astrologers divide a year in to twelve equal sections called the zodiac, which was originally corresponded to twelve constellations which la y around the great belt of the heavens. Each constellation was regarded as a house of a particular planet. Each planet was believed to have either a strong or weak influence on a persons life, depending on it’s positions in the heavens. The divisions of the zodiac are called signs because ancient astrologers assigned descriptive names, mostly of animals, to various constellations and devised abstract symbols to fit these names, the position of the sun in one of these twelve constellations at the moment of birth determines an individuals sign. A person who is born at the time of change from one sign to another is called a cusp meaning a sharer of the qualities of both signs. No one has ever been able to prove the scientific accuracy of astrological predictions, and attempts to measure and define this skill have remained inconclusive.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Terrorism Essay Introduction Example For Students

Terrorism Essay Introduction Terrorism: Cause and ResponsesJune 14, 2005Answer 1Our world has been a victim of terrorism and terrorist acts since the civilized human life began on this planet. There have been radicals and extremists who have been unhappy about something or the other all along during the development of our world. It can be seen that the ways how these people terrorized the world has changed along with time. Terrorists have always used the path of violence to get their voice heard to the world. With the technological innovations these groups also adapted their means of violence. One of the examples of the traditional terrorist group (which I must clear that any Indian would not believe it to be a terrorist group but at the time was labeled as a terrorist group) was Hindustan (Indian) Republican Association in India. The whole world knows that India got its independence by following the path directed by Mahatma Gandhi of non-violence, but not many people know that even during the time of Gandhi Ind ia did see some brave soldiers like Chandrashekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and many more young generation people who formed groups to fight against the British government. These people were called terrorists by the British government during that time. One of the most famous groups of that time was Hindustan (Indian) Republican Association (HRA) and Bhagat Singh was one of the most active members of group. Before Bhagat Singh joined HRA the activities and the purpose of this group was unknown to the general public of India and that was one of the main reasons that even the population of India thought that this group was a terrorist organization, but everything changed after Bhagat Singh joined HRA. Bhagat Singh was a well educated man who believed in communism. He studied the writings of the anarchist leader Bakunin, some thing of the father of communism Marx, but more of Lenin, Trotsky and others who had succeeded in bringing about a revolution in their country. For Bhagat Sing h the decisive break came in the post-1926 period when the Hindustan Republican Association leadership fell on his shoulders. He lost no time in articulating the necessity of having a political ideology and that was to be Marxism. In 1928, Bhagat Singh also had the responsibility of the Hindustan Republican Association with Chandra Shekhar Azad, other leaders having been sent to the gallows or given a life sentence. The first thing he did was to change its name to the Hindustan (Indian) Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). The party was recognized with a central committee and with provincial and district committees under it. All decisions were to be taken in these committees, majority decisions were to be binding on all. HSRA did many violent acts to fight against the British government, they looted a train in Kakori which was carrying lots of government money, they also murdered a British officer, and the biggest act was the bombing in the Legislative Assembly. By this time mos t of the young generation of India had started believing in Bhagat Singh and were joining HSRA. Bhagat Singh was labeled a terrorist and to prove the British government wrong he did the bombing in the legislative assembly and turned himself in, so that he could bring the reality of the corrupt government in front of the people of India by fighting his own case in the court. Bhagat Singh believed that the perception of the existence of class cleavages in society also led to the understanding that violence would be imperative to bring about a change in the social structure. It was a violence that destroyed to build. The Communist Party of India was formed in 1925-26 and had to almost immediately go underground. Within the next six years Bhagat Singh was executed and it remains one of the big ifs of history whether he would have joined the party as his companions did. We will write a custom essay on Terrorism Introduction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now On the other hand if we talk about the new generation terrorism the example of al-Qaeda would be appropriate. As discussed in class and also from my own knowledge I can say that one of the worst terrorist groups the world had every seen is al-Qaeda. This group is one of the new generation terrorist groups; it all began in early 1995 when Osama bin Laden came back to Afghanistan from Sudan. Every educated person in this world knows al-Qaeda or Bin laden the founder of this group. The worst thing about this group is Bin Laden is the leader of a movement that doesnt necessarily need a leader to function and be effective, said Juliette N. Kayyem, a terrorism expert at the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government and a former member of the National Commission on Terrorism. This is such a diffuse structure that it can survive without him. (Benjamin Weiser and Tim Golden, September 30, 2001, the New York Times). The al-Qaeda consists of many Islamic extremists and radicals who believ e in reuniting all the Islamic countries together and to fulfill this goal they execute terrorist acts in the name of Jihad (Holy War). The al-Qaeda group got its funding from many rich Islamic individuals who supported their beliefs and with the help of these funds they had been able to get hold of extremely expensive weapons and also created various terrorist training camps. Al Qaeda had taken great advantage of the protection of the Taliban in Afghanistan to build up a steady supply of arms and camps to train recruits from around the world. The terrorist camps were the hub for training the radicals for using the latest technologies available to the civilized world to create terror in the world by the violent acts. The new generation terrorists are assumed to be very well educated people from different backgrounds, who can easily understand and use the new technologies and weapons to achieve their goals. The training camps trained the jihadis intensively in the fields like; using modern arms and ammunitions, breaching security, gathering intelligence, kidnapping, picking targets, doing surveillance, making bombs, and the hijacking of buses and planes. The attack of September 11, 2001 proved the whole world how capable and well trained these people were. The whole plan was plotted in Afghanistan and with the help of Bin Laden it was carried out in America; the hijackers were well trained in breaching the security, and flying the planes so that they can be crashed in to the determined targets. It is also believed that these organizations do have the abilities of producing weapons of mass destructions which they will not hesitate to use if necessary. We can clearly see how the new generation terrorists have evolved from the traditional ones and how they have adapted themselves in using the technologies, from the small bomb blasts to bombing public buildings and embassies around the world to suicide bombings to well designed acts like; using air planes as bombs in destroying their targets. Answer 2General causes of terrorism! What are the general causes of terrorism? leads too easily to looking at the usual suspects: poverty, injustice, exploitation, frustration, ethnicity, and religion or religious differences. These are some of the general causes that I was able to think off but the actual list of general causes is just endless. Describing these causes of terrorism can be an easy job and a tough job at the same time; I will try to explain these causes that I have stated to the best of my ability. Poverty: Poverty is said to be an important cause of terrorism. It is so believed that poverty is an important cause of terrorism because many of the Islamic countries in the world are poor and terrorists in general are expected to be from an Islamic country. I dont agree to the belief that poverty is an important cause for people to get in to terrorist acts. I say this because I believe so because the biggest example defying the belief is Osam a bin Laden, he comes from a multimillionaire Saudi family. Bin Laden is the founder of al-Qaeda and the person responsible for the 9/11 attack. As discussed in class the whole 9/ll attack was funded by affluent Saudis and Egyptians, citizens of the wealthy Gulf individuals, or rich sons of Lebanon. I do not disagree that many poor Islamic countries like Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Afghanistan, and other similar countries support terrorism but this is also a fact that these countries can not provide the terrorist groups with the wealth they require. Injustice: People say that injustice and inequality breeds terrorism, which is true to some extent. I can support this statement by giving the example of Ireland, one of the most important reasons for terrorism in Ireland or in the formation of IRA was the unjust British government. The Catholics in Ireland were not given the same rights as the Protestants which raised the feeling of discontent, dissatisfaction and anger in the Catholics. The first group that was formed for the rights of Catholics in Ireland was the United Irishmen. The goal of United Irishmen was to take the path of non-violence and get the Catholics their rights in Ireland, but due to the time in and time out repression attempts from the unjust British government led this group to reform with time which eventually ended up being the Irish Republican Army (IRA). We all know what has been happening in Ireland ever since. But giving all the blame to just injustice for the cause of terrorism is also not acceptable, because there are many other reasons which results in people to take the path of terrorism. .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 , .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .postImageUrl , .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 , .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:hover , .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:visited , .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:active { border:0!important; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:active , .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2 .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8bf314fe205ff09d04029c19fd10e7b2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Effects of Playing Online Games and Using Internet to Teenagers and Young Adults Nowadays EssayThe other example similar to Ireland is Sri Lanka where the Tamil Tigers LTTE group is conducting terrorist acts in Sri Lanka for their basic rights. Exploitation: Exploitation can also be an important factor in forcing people to commit terrorist acts. I had a class last semester in which I had a case study of Shell Oil Company in Nigeria. I guess you might be familiar with this case and so I will not go in too much detail about the case but from what I remember Saro-Wiwa was executed in Nigeria which turned out to be a big issue in the international news. The synopsis of this case was that Shell Oil Company had one of its biggest plants in Nigeria and a large percentage of its oil used to come from this plant. Shell was making huge profits from the oils it was getting from this plant and so was the government. The corrupt government of Nigeria was making lots of money from the Shell Company but in return the local people who were employed in the company and also the general population whose lands were being used were not getting anything at all. The economical condition of the people of Nigeria never got better but instead got wo rse with time and exploitation. Saro-Wiwas people, the Ogoni people of the Ogoniland were in many ways the victims both of oil development and also the government. Eventually tired of being exploited by the oil company and their own government these people started rebelling against them and started committing terrorist acts against their own country and the oil company. This is just one example I gave but this is the situation in most of the oil rich countries, in most of the cases the population of the country is exploited for the oil and all the profits and money goes in the pockets of the oil companies and the government. Frustration: I have listed frustration as one the causes because all the above causes that I have stated does result in to frustration which forces the people to take the track of terrorism. Ethnicity: There are lots of example in the world where ethnicity and not the religion is the reason for people to fight amongst themselves which might result in to the acts of terrorism by one or both the groups. Some of the examples of terrorism resulting due to the difference in ethnicity in the same religion are Ireland, where Catholics and Protestants were fighting with each other; other example is India in the 1970s when there were acts of terrorism in the region of Punjab between Sikhs and Punjabis, who are more or less the same religion. Sri Lanka is also a good example for the acts of terrorism by Tamil Tigers or the LTTE group who are killing the innocent people of Sri Lanka just to prove their point and trying to earn their rights in the country. I am not sure but I think even Zimbabwe might also come under the same condition. Religion or Religious Difference: According to me religion or religious difference is the most important cause of terrorism. The whole world has seen this fact religion plays an important role in making terrorists out of people. Islamic countries have faced the problem with other religions in the world. Islamic people are believed to the extremist in nature regarding their religion which has in general made them intolerant to other religions. The biggest example that I can give about the terrorism that erupted due to the religious differences is the Holocaust, when the German army under the leadership of Hitler killed hundreds of thousands of Jews due to the intolerance in religion. Hitlers this act was one of the biggest terrorist act in the world in my point of view. The terrorism that has been going on in the Kashmir region of India since last 58 years has its roots to the religious difference of Muslims and Hindus too. The only reason why India was divided in to two countries in 1947 during Indias independence was the differences in the two religions; Hindus and Muslims. Israel and Palestine is also suffering terrorism since a long time which I would guess one of the core reasons is the religion. According to me the most appropriate response to this problem is to teach religious tolerance to people. People should understand that religion is not greater than Humanity and that people should respect other people as humans and not hate them due to the religious reasons. It is said in Gita (the holy book of Hindus) Vasudeva Kutumbakam, which means that the whole world is one family. I believe that the day people will start understanding this fact of life half of the worlds terrorism problems will be solved. But again this is my belief and I am not sure if I am right or wrong, but for me religious tolerance is the most important thing. .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 , .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .postImageUrl , .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 , .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:hover , .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:visited , .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:active { border:0!important; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:active , .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90 .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u171fba826b101c3e8ec8959018521d90:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Journey Of Autism EssayAnswer 3To give the similarities and differences between the right wing American terrorist groups and radical Islamic terrorist groups I think first of all I will have to explain briefly what both of these groups are. After trying to explain both of these terms I think it will be easier to state the similarities and the differences between the two. Right wing American terrorist groups: According to my understanding to the American right wing terrorist groups I can say that these groups get involved in terrorist acts motivated due to the opposition of the federal governments rules and regulations like taxation policies, its support to other countries and also the U.S. government itself. These types of terrorist groups have their roots to the white extremists who have hatred towards racial and religious minorities. Some of the examples of such American groups can be the Ku Klux Klan, skinheads, Neo Nazis, militia groups, and Christian Patriots. These kind of terrorist groups are the people who are unhappy and unsatisfied by the US government and so get in the acts of anti government policies, violence, and terrorist acts against their own country and people. Generally the right wing groups have broader revolutionary agendas and they might intend to throw down the existing government. As discussed in class some of the examples of right wing American terrorist acts can be: the unsuccessful attempt of bombing in Oklahoma in 1983, the Oklahoma bombing of 1995, the 1996 bombing during Olympics, there were few more examples that we talked in class that I do not remember exactly. The right wing extremists have always had a problem with the minorities in the US and have also attempted terrorist acts targeted towards the minority groups. One other example that I think might be right about the right wing groups could be the isolated events of killing innocent Muslims and Sikhs in different parts of US after the 9/11 attack on the US. The other example that I would like to give, but I am not at all sure if this is a right example or not is; the assassinations of the US Presidents like Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were also done by the American right wing terrorists. Radical Islamic terrorist groups: The radical Islamic terrorist groups have been known for being staunch in their intentions and strong believer of their religion. These groups have been in the civilized the world for a long time now. The most important trait of these groups is that they are not at all tolerant to any other religion except Islam. The radical Islamic terrorist groups have been known to world for conducting terrorist activities against the non Islamic countries for centuries. They have not even spared their own people or the government if they discovered that the people or the government was allies with a non Islamic country or government. These groups have created highly sophisticated terrorist training camps at different locations to train the Jihadis in indulging in to terrorist acts with utmost proficiency. They have a high inflow of funds, financially as well as in weapons from rich Islamic individuals, supporters, and in some cases other Islamic governments and countries. The example of the terrorist acts against their own people and country could be the terrorist acts against the soviet backed Afghani gov ernment before the Soviets attacked Afghanistan. As discussed in class I remember that US had funded the Islamic terrorist groups financially and also with weapons to fight the government of Afghanistan. Other example I can give confidently is that of the Radical Islamic terrorist groups infiltrating in the Kashmir region of India. These terrorist groups do not hesitate in killing Indian Muslim people. The radicals believe that even though the people they are killing are of their own religion but because they are Indians they should be killed to achieve their goals. Islamic terrorist groups have used combinations of ancient guerrilla warfare tactics and advanced technologies to carry out their goals. They have shown themselves to be practitioners of unconventional warfare by staging operations around the globe against high-value targets, using very small teams, producing dramatic results with relatively little expenditure, all without ever engaging in direct battlefield attacks against an opposing military force. The best example of such an act is the 9/11 attack on the US as informed in class I remember that the total cost of executing the 9/11 attack was somewhere around 400 million dollars which is a considerably small amount in comparison to the destruction and human loss is considered. Some of the goals of these radical Islamic terrorist groups according to me are: elimination of American and Israeli geopolitical influence on Islamic nations, the establishment of governance by religious law, bringing all loosely-affiliated Islamic groups together in a coalition, indulge in unconventional warfare tactics, looking for dramatic results, combine ancient tactics with modern technology. Conclusion: I have tried to explain above the general characteristics of both the right wing American terrorist groups and also the radical Islamic terrorist groups. Based on the characteristics explained above I found a few similarities between the two, they are; -Both the groups are very racist in nature. Both the groups have zero tolerance for people of other race, religion, and country. -The other similarity that I found was that both the groups claim to be very patriotic but if needed, they would not resist in carrying out terrorist acts against their own people and country. -Both the groups have a history full of violence. Some of the difference that I noticed was: -The right wing American terrorist groups unlike the radical Islamic terrorist groups operate within their own country and their main discontent is against the government policies and democracy. On the other end the radical Islamic groups are not at all confined to their own country; they are more interested in spreading the word of Islam in the whole world. -The Islamic groups would indulge in terrorist act towards their own country only when it is necessary. -The other big difference is the highly sophisticated training camps that the radical Islamic groups use is not that easily available to the right wing groups. -The funding in case of the right wing groups is limited and does not have any support from their own government or the people. -One of the most important goals of the radical Islamic terrorist groups is the formation of a coalition of all loosely-affiliated Islamic groups and countries and spread the word of Islam in the world. On the other hand there is not much of a connection between different right wing American terrorist groups amongst themselves. The reason behind the right wing American terrorist groups and the radical Islamic terrorist groups to be different might be that their final goals are different from each other. Some of their methods of beliefs might be similar but except that the final goals of both the groups do not match.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Complexity And Technology Essay

Complexity And Technology Essay Complexity And Technology Essay Complexity And Technology Terren spitz asiala per.4 10/8/14 You’re at a concert, you pull out your phone and start recording. You want the video to be perfect so you can share with all your friends on Facebook. So you're staring at a screen instead of the live band. You’re there, but at the same time, you’re not really there . This is complex behavior because you're trying to live in two worlds at the same time: the real world and the digital world. When we become too technologically complex, we risk getting taken out of the here and now and begin developing a false sense of reality. One effect of being to technologically complex is getting taken out of the here and now. â€Å"That 20 somethings are so focused on their smartphone screens, so preoccupied with potential friends that the forget to be with the friends they already have.†(Robin Marantz Henig, just how many facebook friends do you need? you forget who your real friends are when you’re taken out of the here and now you have all of these other facebook friends that you have to deal with contacting them and liking their status while you have your real friends that you have to talk to, also making life even more complex. â€Å"Partly it’s a cognitive challenge just to keep track of more people than that and its time ­budgeting problem: we just don't have the time in everyday life to invest in each of those people to the extent where you can have a real relationship.†(anthropologist Robin Dunbar Oxford university.) Another effect of being too technically complex is the feeling that you have to post everything on facebook, or the anxiety you get when you receive a text

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Nonmetals Definition and Properties

Nonmetals Definition and Properties A nonmetal is simply an element that does not display the properties of a metal. It is not defined by what it is, but by what it is not. It doesnt look metallic, cant be made into a wire,  pounded into shape or bent, doesnt conduct heat or electricity well, and doesnt have a high melting or boiling point. The nonmetals are in a minority on the periodic table, mostly located on the right-hand side of the periodic table. The exception is hydrogen, which behaves as a nonmetal at room temperature and pressure and is found on the upper left corner of the periodic table. Under conditions of high pressure, hydrogen is predicted to behave as an alkali metal. Nonmetals on the Periodic Table The nonmetals are located on the upper right side of the periodic table. Nonmetals are separated from metals by a line that cuts diagonally through the region of the periodic table containing elements with partially filled p orbitals. The halogens and noble gases are nonmetals, but the nonmetal element group usually consists of the following elements: hydrogencarbonnitrogenoxygenphosphorussulfurselenium The halogen elements are: fluorinechlorinebromineiodineastatinePossibly element 117 (tennessine), although most scientists think this element will behave as a metalloid. The noble gas elements are: heliumneonargonkryptonxenonradonelement 118 (oganesson). This element is predicted to be a liquid but is still a nonmetal. Properties of Nonmetals Nonmetals have high ionization energies and electronegativities. They are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity. Solid nonmetals are generally brittle, with little or no metallic luster. Most nonmetals have the ability to gain electrons easily. Nonmetals display a wide range of chemical properties and reactivities. Summary of Common Properties High ionization energiesHigh electronegativitiesPoor thermal conductorsPoor electrical conductorsBrittle solids- not malleable or ductileLittle or no metallic lusterGain electrons easilyDull, not metallic-shiny, although they may be colorfulLower melting points and boiling point than the metals Comparing the Metals and Nonmetals The chart below displays a  comparison of the physical and chemical properties of the metals and nonmetals. These properties apply to the metals in general (alkali metals, alkaline earth, transition metals, basic metals, lanthanides, actinides) and nonmetals in general (nonmetals, halogens, noble gases). Metals Nonmetals chemical properties easily lose valence electrons easily share or gain valence electrons 1-3 electrons (usually) in the outer shell 4-8 electrons in the outer shell (7 for halogens and 8 for noble gases) form basic oxides form acidic oxides good reducing agents good oxidizing agents have low electronegativity have higher electronegativity physical properties solid at room temperature (except mercury) may be liquid, solid, or gas (noble gases are gases) have metallic luster do not have metallic luster good conductor of heat and electricity poor conductor of heat and electricity typically malleable and ductile usually brittle opaque in a thin sheet transparent in a thin sheet

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sustainable Deficit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sustainable Deficit - Essay Example Productivity affects the current account when investment occurs in order to increase future output. According to Economic Review, First Quarter 2001, â€Å"economic theory predicts that if a country experiences an investment boom as a result of increased productivity, while its trading partners do not, its current account deficit should widen.† Catherine Mann suggests that current account deficit can indicate that a nation is â€Å"living beyond its means,† or that a country is attracting global foreign investment due to higher returns and less risk. In the Economic Review article, Jill Holman defines current account as â€Å"the change Over time in the sum of three components: the trade account, the income account, and The transfer account.† Trade account is the difference in value of imports and exports. Income account is the difference in income payments made to foreigners versus payments Received from foreigners. Transfer account is the difference in value of private and government payments to and from other countries. The explanation on page 8 of the Economic Review summarizes a trade deficit that must be financed by borrowing from abroad. How this borrowing affect the U.S. current account deficit is more complicated than the trade deficit. The U.S. trade deficit has been widening since the late 1990s as we demand and consume more foreign goods. As we borrow from abroad, we must also make payments to foreign investors. Overall, deficits in both accounts are the result of U.S. participation in a global marketplace.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Perky Way to Productivity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

A Perky Way to Productivity - Case Study Example However, the kinds of perks being offered at some of these companies are not in response to actions, but offered as incentive to do their jobs; that is not the point or purpose of benefits and perks in the workplace. The company pays you to show up on time and to do your work, they should not have to offer you a bonus for what they are already paying you for innately. When used correctly incentives provide the company with increasing revenue, but also motivate the employees at the same time. They have lower turnover and higher retention (Miller, 2007). If something works then it is feasible to invest in it. However, there is a point where such things can become extreme. For example, an â€Å"employee nap room† is a little inappropriate in the workplace; it does not exactly promote energy and productivity. The concern can come when potential employees stop choosing their careers and workplaces based on the quality of the company but more dependent upon the nature of the rewards they will receive. When better perks are offered by a competitor they will be quick to â€Å"bail out† on the company. It can start to be less like rewarding good employees for a job well-done and instead, essentially, bribing them not to leave. This could easily diminish the integrity of the business in the long term. The employee motivation strategies the two companies, Genentech and Zappos, are implementing involve a number of typical and unusual motivators. Firstly, they use traditional incentives like, bonuses and other monetary motivators. They, also, employ strategies that involve some unique choices and incentives. They offer things like on-site employee day care, special rooms for nursing mothers, free snacks, pajama parties, and â€Å"employee nap rooms.† Both, of these companies are boasting that their employee satisfaction and retention are high and their turnover is low, which means that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hr Policies in Automobile Sector Essay Example for Free

Hr Policies in Automobile Sector Essay 20 Tips To Help Prevent Medical Errors One in seven Medicare patients in hospitals experience a medical error. But medical errors can occur anywhere in the health care system: In hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and patients’ homes. Errors can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, equipment, or lab reports. They can happen during even the most routine tasks, such as when a hospital patient on a salt-free diet is given a high-salt meal. Most errors result from problems created by today’s complex health care system. But errors also happen when doctors* and patients have problems communicating. These tips tell what you can do to get safer care. What You Can Do to Stay Safe The best way you can help to prevent errors is to be an active member of your health care team. That means taking part in every decision about your health care. Research shows that patients who are more involved with their care tend to get better results. Medicines 1 Make sure that all of your doctors know about every medicine you are taking. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements, such as vitamins and herbs. 2 Bring all of your medicines and supplements to your doctor visits. â€Å"Brown bagging† your medicines can help you and your doctor talk about them and find out if there are any problems. It can also help your doctor keep your records up to date and help you get better quality care. 3 Make sure your doctor knows about any allergies and adverse reactions you have had to medicines. This can help you to avoid getting a medicine that could harm you. 4 When your doctor writes a prescription for you, make sure you can read it. If you cannot read your doctor’s handwriting, your pharmacist might not be able to either. PATIENT SAFETY *The term â€Å"doctor† is used in this flier to refer to the person who helps you manage your health care. 2 5 Ask for information about your medicines in terms you can understand—both when your medicines are prescribed and when you get them: What is the medicine for? How am I supposed to take it and for how long? What side effects are likely? What do I do if they occur? Is this medicine safe to take with other medicines or dietary supplements I am taking? What food, drink, or activities should I avoid while taking this medicine? 6 When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed? 7 If you have any questions about the directions on your medicine labels, ask. Medicine labels can be hard to understand. For example, ask if â€Å"four times daily† means taking a dose every 6 hours around the clock or just during regular waking hours. 8 Ask your pharmacist for the best device to measure your liquid medicine. For example, many people use household teaspoons, which often do not hold a true teaspoon of liquid. Special devices, like marked syringes, help people measure the right dose. 9 Ask for written information about the side effects your medicine could cause. If you know what might happen, you will be better prepared if it does or if something unexpected happens. Hospital Stays 10 If you are in a hospital, consider asking all health care workers who will touch you whether they have washed their hands. Handwashing can prevent the spread of infections in hospitals. 11 When you are being discharged from the hospital, ask your doctor to explain the treatment plan you will follow at home. This includes learning about your new medicines, making sure you know when to schedule follow-up appointments, and finding out when you can get back to your regular activities. It is important to know whether or not you should keep taking the medicines you were taking before your hospital stay. Getting clear instructions may help prevent an unexpected return trip to the hospital. 3 Surgery 12 If you are having surgery, make sure that you, your doctor, and your surgeon all agree on exactly what will be done. Having surgery at the wrong site (for example, operating on the left knee instead of the right) is rare. But even once is too often. The good news is that wrong-site surgery is 100 percent preventable. Surgeons are expected to sign their initials directly on the site to be operated on before the surgery. 13 If you have a choice, choose a hospital where many patients have had the procedure or surgery you need. Research shows that patients tend to have better results when they are treated in hospitals that have a great deal of experience with their condition. Other Steps 14 Speak up if you have questions or concerns. You have a right to question anyone who is involved with your care. 15 Make sure that someone, such as your primary care doctor, coordinates your care. This is especially important if you have many health problems or are in the hospital. 16 Make sure that all your doctors have your important health information. Do not assume that everyone has all the information they need. 17 Ask a family member or friend to go to appointments with you. Even if you do not need help now, you might need it later. 18 Know that â€Å"more† is not always better. It is a good idea to find out why a test or treatment is needed and how it can help you. You could be better off without it. 19 If you have a test, do not assume that no news is good news. Ask how and when you will get the results. 20 Learn about your condition and treatments by asking your doctor and nurse and by using other reliable sources. For example, treatment options based on the latest scientific evidence are available from the Effective Health Care Web site (effectivehealthcare. ahrq. gov/options). Ask your doctor if your treatment is based on the latest evidence. AHRQ Pub. No. 11-0089 (Replaces AHRQ Pub. No. 00-P038) September 2011.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jazz Essay -- essays research papers

Early Jazz The earliest easily available jazz recordings are from the 1920's and early 1930's. Trumpet player and vocalist Louis Armstrong ("Pops", "Satchmo") was by far the most important figure of this period. He played with groups called the Hot Five and the Hot Seven; any recordings you can find of these groups are recommended. The style of these groups, and many others of the period, is often referred to as New Orleans jazz or Dixieland. It is characterized by collective improvisation, in which all performers simultaneously play improvised melodic lines within the harmonic structure of the tune. Louis, as a singer, is credited with the invention of scat, in which the vocalist makes up nonsense syllables to sing improvised lines. Other notable performers of New Orleans or Dixieland jazz include clarinetist Johnny Dodds, soprano saxophone player Sidney Bechet, trumpeter King Oliver, and trombonist Kid Ory. Other styles popular during this period were various forms of piano jazz, including ragtime, Harlem stride, and boogie-woogie. These styles are actually quite distinct, but all three are characterized by rhythmic, percussive left hand lines and fast, full right hand lines. Scott Joplin and Jelly Roll Morton were early ragtime pioneers. Fats Waller, Willie "The Lion" Smith and James P. Johnson popularized the stride left hand pattern (bass note, chord, bass note, chord); Albert Ammons and Meade Lux Lewis developed this into the faster moving left hand patterns of boogie-woogie. Earl "Fatha" Hines was a pianist who was especially known for his right hand, in which he did not often play full chords or arpeggios, playing instead "horn-like" melodic lines. This has become commonplace since then. Art Tatum is considered by many to be the greatest jazz pianist ever; he was certainly one of the most technically gifted, and his harmonic insights paved the way for many who came after him. He is sometimes considered a precursor of bebop. Big Band Jazz and Swing Although the big bands are normally associated with a slightly later era, there were several large bands playing during the 1920's and early 1930's, including that of Fletcher Henderson. Bix Beiderbecke was a cornet soloist who played with several bands and was considered a legend in his time. The mid 1930's brought on the swing era and the emergence of ... ...c piano, Ron Carter and Dave Holland on bass, John McLaughlin on guitar, and Tony Williams and Jack DeJohnette on drums. Tony Williams formed a rock oriented band called Lifetime with John McLaughlin, who also formed his own high energy group, the Mahavishnu Orchestra. Through the 1970's Miles continued to explore new directions in the use of electronics and the incorporation of funk and rock elements into his music, leading to albums such as Pangea and Agharta. Other groups combined jazz and rock in a more popularly oriented manner, from the crossover Top 40 of Spyro Gyra and Chuck Mangione to the somewhat more esoteric guitarist Pat Metheny. Other popular fusion bands include Weather Report, featuring Wayne Shorter, Joe Zawinul, and bass players Jaco Pastorius and Miroslav Vitous; Return To Forever, featuring Chick Corea and bassist Stanley Clarke; The Crusaders, featuring saxophonist Wilton Felder and keyboardist Joe Sample; the Yellowjackets, featuring keyboardist Russell Ferrante; and the Jeff Lorber Fusion, which originally featured Kenny G on saxophone. In recent years, several fusion bands have achieved much commercial success, including those of Pat Metheny and Kenny G.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Abuse and Female Criminality

This paper examines the connection between female criminality and the occurrence of abuse.   Abused inmates were more possible to report substance abuse problems, interpersonal problems, emotional problems, and have a negative attitude towards life after prison. The findings propose the need for more study about the relationship between women's criminality and abuse, and the creating of programs for imprisoned women who have been abused.Introduction Nearly all of the available study on the criminality of women suggests that there is a connection between crime and environmental issues such as attitudes towards women or economic opportunity.Nevertheless, many aspects of women's experiences are yet to be examined, particularly in relation to the fast increasing number of imprisoned women. This paper looks at the connection between women criminality and the experience of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.Historical outlook of Women in detention centers and Prison Reform in the US   An assessment of the limited literature on the account of the incarceration of women discloses a complex set of political, social, and personal problems that are experienced by women in the US over the last two centuries.During the nineteenth century, the grounds for incarcerating women and their experience once in prison were of anxiety to prison reformers. According to Freedman (1981) in Their Sisters' custodians, three conditions started to emerge in the 1820s that gave rise to the prison reform pressure group for women.In the beginning, most northern states adopted the prison as a principal means of reducing and punishing criminal activity. Second, a small but important number of women became prisoners of these prisons, particularly after 1940. Finally, middle-class American women inspired both by benevolence and their growing mindfulness as a sex became active in reform pressure groups that brought them into contact with their detained sisters.Freedman (1981) propose that the growing number of women in prison amid 1815 and 1860 can be connected to social change, particularly urbanization, and new agents of social power such as moral reformers and urban police.Under these controls, â€Å"not serious crimes against property or persons, but unlawful personal behavior such as, vagrancy, idle and disorderly conduct, and drunkenness –brought the majority of law offenders of both sexes into the courts and detention centers (Freedman, 1981, p. 14). Still, Freedman states that the ethical codes for women were stricter, and therefore, women were more liable to be convicted of such crimes.To add on, he points out that low job opportunities and lower pays for women brought about economic marginalization and added the need for women to resort to criminal acts such as prostitution, particularly during wars, when men were not capable to sustain their families.  Prostitution was frequently the mainly readily available way for women to sustain themselves and t heir family. Once tried or even suspected of a crime, a woman became even more marginalized.The sentence for the nineteenth century woman criminal was the brand â€Å"fallen woman,† and both men and women rejected anyone suspected of being a â€Å"fallen woman.† due to this stigma, the female detainee was largely neglected and frequently subjected to overcrowding, cruel treatment, and sexual abuse.This approach towards women can be drawn to our European precursors. According to Feinman (1980), in ancient Rome, Greece and medieval Europe, the main function of a woman was to provide successors for her husband to maintain his name and property line. As a result, treacherous women could be executed because of being unfaithful; they threatened the legality of the heirs.In the late 19th century, Lombroso (1900) came up with a theory of criminology which was based on Social Darwinism. Lombroso hypothesized that women, poorer classes and nonwhites, were less evolved than upper -class white men, and so, were more liable to commit criminal offences.He further added that for women to commit crime and drift from the â€Å"usual† path of † piety, maternity, and weakness, her wickedness must have been vast . . . (Lombroso & Ferrero, 1900, p. 150). This theory assisted in speculating the â€Å"fallen woman† concept.To efficiently help women inmates, women reformers had to liberate themselves from the long-held communal biases against â€Å"fallen women.† They had to stair over the â€Å"sexual clarity† line and identify both the imprisoned and themselves women as being part of the same class: These untimely reformers centered on the different conditions women prisoners were subjected to and they were mainly responsible for the creation of separate prisons for women.In the Progressive Era, which is at the beginning of the 20th century, women reformers turned their interest to the basis of female criminality. They discarded Social Darwinism and began to expand a sociological theory of female criminality that attacked the concept of a physiological criminal type, look at the relationship of mental aptitude and crime, and finally â€Å"argued for an economic explanation of women's crime.The latest sociological theory identified environmental foundations of crime, including low-paying jobs, lack of education, and poverty. As a result, it became clear that prisons could not determine the social problems related with women's criminality. Reformers took numerous approaches toward solving the social challenges that were as a result of the incarceration of women and towards helping women once incarcerated.On the one hand, succefull reformers who preferred the extra-institutional, defensive services over incarceration focused on reforming criminal justice practices before the stage of imprisonment.On the other side, other reformers tried to advance the women's prisons via better categorization and education, and div ersified training. Therefore, these growing environmental change theories led to preventive services, mainly aimed at keeping economically marginalized women from using illegal activities such as prostitution to resolve economic problems (Freedman, 1981).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sleep and Mary J. Davis

S. No| Topic| Pg no| i. | What is Confidence building? Does Confidence really come with Knowledge? | 2| ii. | How does a Shark Hunt? | 3| iii. | What efforts are being taken to protect Endangered Wildlife? | 4| iv. | What are the dangers and hazards of Nuclear Power? | 5| v. | Why do we sleep? | 6| vi. | How does Tobacco use affect the human body? | 7| vii. | What are the causes of Tornadoes? | 8| viii. | In what ways do Video Games affect children and teenagers? | 9| ix. | What is stress? | 10| x. | What are the ways to speak effectively? | 11| xi. | Pros and Cons of Teamwork| 12| ii. | Which types of Shops do you use to buy different things? Why? | 13| xiii. | What is culture? Describe different types of company’s cultures. | 14| xiv. | Which is the most important Invention for the last 100 years? Which one do you wish had not been Invented? | 15| Table of content Descriptive Essay What is Confidence building? Does Confidence really come with Knowledge? Confidence is a posit ive feeling gained from a belief in your own ability of to do things well. Very few people succeed in building up their confidence level. When we born we cry because we are afraid of this world.It means that nobody is born with confidence. We have to develop our own confidence. It is not easy as it seems. There is a certain age at which the growing level of confidence stops working. Many of people failed in building up their own confidence (Adrian MacKay). Those who are self-confident about themselves have a strong sense of belief. Self-confidence is connected with possessing of certain skill sets or abilities, whether it is acquired or natural. While having ability in a particular area can help you to boost yourself. Someone who has no capability of doing something is always lack of confident (Coles).A person who is lack of self-confidence has a lack of self-belief in them. Lack in yourself comes when you feel insecure about something like place or with the audience you are facing. A person behaves like overly shy, having fear in themselves, forget what to talk about, start shivering and feel uncomfortable when they are lack of confidence. People with low self-confidence always stay away from other peoples. They have a limited mind set and their behavior changes unexpectedly. This lack of self-confidence puts them in a nonstop life cycle that reinforces their state of self-belief (Coles). Knowledge and confidence are two different things.Without confidence, knowledge is worthless. And without knowledge, confidence is useless. If we have to face the world so we have to combine our knowledge and confidence. Those people who are not able to combine their knowledge and confidence won’t have the chance to survive (Stephen Hetherington). Confidence and knowledge is the most powerful weapon of a person. If anyone knows how to use it so he can live on his life in an easy way. Even to become a successful man a particular person has to go through many difficulti es and have to keep struggling. A lose hearted person always think about his past and afraid to move on again.So if anyone wants to become a successful man he has to build up his confidence. References Adrian MacKay Coles Stephen Hetherington Descriptive Essay How does a Shark Hunt? Shark is a large and sometimes aggressive sea fish with a triangular fin on its back. They live in ocean but not in freezing areas like ANTARCTICA. To survive in water, they need salty water. They are mostly found in between the deep oceans. They cannot change their places like other species do. Some sharks use to live in natural environments. While other sharks’ like to live in dark, cold, rocky and sandy areas.Sharks use to travel to a long distances in seek of warmer and cooler areas where they can give birth to their babies in a year (Bobbie Kalmar, Molly Alien). The bodies of sharks are made of same parts but not all. As compare to other sharks they don’t have same size, shape and colo r. There are two types of shark bodies â€Å"Active Swimmers and Bottom Dwellers†. Those sharks who are â€Å"Active Swimmers† have their body in a shape that allows them to move with quick, easy movements in water with the help of powerful fins. And those sharks that are â€Å"Bottom Dwellers† have wide and horizontal bodies (Bobbie Kalmar, Molly Alien).There are many kinds of sharks in which three of them are a lot bigger. They are â€Å"White, basking and whale sharks†. The white sharks are 12 feet long and 4 meter large. Whereas basking sharks are 40 feet long and 12 meters large. And whale sharks are 50 feet long and 15 meters large. They can be compared as to school bus. So you can think how much bigger things they use to eat. But these three sharks eat only small fishes like Krill, which is not bigger than your finger (Mary M. Carlo). People usually fear from sharks because they think that sharks can eat them with their jaws by crushing and tearing them a part.Sharks use jaws to attack their enemies. But they don’t use them to attack humans. They never make humans as a target for their food. To sharks, humans look to them as a seal. So, only small number of sharks attacks humans. Sharks have sensitive nostrils that can track down a bleeding fish that may be far away from them of ocean (Christina Wilson). Sharks are the natural gift given by Allah to us. They are the natural beauty of sea. They live in a deep silent ocean. And can be of different size or color or shape. They can hunt any fish or human. They are harmful but it doesn’t mean that we just finish them off.Sharks cannot stop hunting because it’s in their nature. So we enjoy by making aquarium for sharks. Or we can watch them so we can understand that how they live in their world. References Bobbie Kalmar, Molly Alien Mary M. Carlo Christina Wilson Descriptive Essay What efforts are being taken to protect Endangered Wildlife? Wildlife is about al l animals, birds and insects that naturally inhabit a particular region. In the wildlife history in U. S. A, several of Bison were killed, just to clear the grasslands. This dangerous situation of Bison disturbed the public because they were the only largest mammals in U. S.A. But all hoofed mammals were completely removed from the larger areas to their original places in 1800s. In the east, there is no evidence about it that how many of them were searched out and destroyed completely by hunters (Brian Czech, Paul R. Kraus man, Center for American Places). Animals surely get diseases due to changes in environment or weather. Those animals which were used to export may have diseases in them. So they were kept in isolation, away from other animals to cure them from diseases. But those animals which were illegally moved from one country to another may carry diseases and not be cured.Some diseases include a large risk of life that they can finish numerous of animals. Like in Tasmania, h alf world’s mammals were killed by certain disease. These mammals were only found in Tasmania. Later on, scientists have discovered that those diseases that are new or moved into different areas of cities or countries are also effecting humans like HIV/AIDS, etc. (Jeanne Nagle). To save wildlife, U. S. Congress in 1973, passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) which was reauthorized in 1988. The purpose of the (ESA) is to save wildlife species from human dangerous actions.To protect the species and their particular area where they live, all endangered plants and animals were listed by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). In spite of the fact (USFWS) is a part of the department. It had played an important role in conservation of wildlife (Marshall Cavendish Corporation). U. S. Congress decides to take a step of recovery for wildlife animals. The aim is to recover all animals so the protection will be no longer needed in the future. But the main problem was that it will take long time. And due to some factors loss cannot be recovered.But due to joint efforts of USFWS and other agencies they have succeeded in their recovery process. They have stopped the loss of wildlife animals by recovering 99% of animals in the world. Only less than 1% is left that have been listed from 1968 to 1993 that no longer exists (Marshall Cavendish Corporation). In this world, USFWS have managed to save the wildlife animals. But some of them were lost due to our irresponsibility. So it’s time that we also participate in this Endangered Species Act (ESA) with U. S. A. government. Try to protect them from any harm. Watch them to see how they live. Learn about them as much as we can.Tell others about them. Join USFWS and give money to help wildlife species. And to protect them and ourselves form any disease we have to take them to doctor for regular checkup. References Brian Czech, Paul R. Kraus man, Center for American Places Jeanne Nagle Marshall Cavendish Corporat ion Cause and Effect Essay What are the dangers and hazards of Nuclear Power? The misuse of nuclear power was started in 1933. A scientist name Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard made a theory of splitting the atoms to make a chain reaction. He said that by splitting the atoms into chain reaction can release energy that can cause an explosion.In early research, elements of atoms which are naturally unstable were discovered by scientists. These elements act in a process in which they keep changing and sending streams out called Radioactivity. So scientists discovered that these flying particles can be used as tiny missiles by splitting them in several parts. And that’s how invention of bombs was started (Susan M. Freese). Nuclear weapons were used in Second World War on the Japanese in August 1945, while ending the Second World War. This nuclear explosion set a dangerous example of world war. Because it makes people aware about the coming Modern World War.Due to such powerful bom bs humanity becomes unsafe. First the atom bombs were the only most dangerous weapon but now a bomb more powerful than atom bomb has been invented. Although it is too much small but it can cause great damage to humanity (Bernard L. Cohen, Sc. D. Professor at the University of Pittsburgh). In Russia 1986, a powerful nuclear bomb was exploded. This bomb realized the most dangerous rays in atmosphere. Several of peoples died in this attack. And many of them were died due to cancer because of radiation that was spread into the atmosphere. Nuclear weapons contains waste disposal with them.They can kill people when they touch them. That’s why they cannot be thrown like ordinary garbage. So they are stored in special cooling pools (Bianca Arista). In today’s world, 16 countries depend on their nuclear power in which France is on the number one. Nuclear energy has become inexpensive that anybody can buy it and use it for making bombs and other nuclear weapons. Nuclear power ca n cause many different changes in the environment like can have effects on human health. In the near future, it is expected to be cheaper than before (Chaves Jason). The use of nuclear energy nowadays has become too much common.As well as their price are also decreasing. In some countries the rate of crime is increasing day by day. When the nuclear energy start to split it causes a serious damage to earth because of which a natural disaster called earthquake happen. There is no stop to these hazardous powers. But scientists are working on to stop this danger of nuclear power so that they can remove risk of insecurity from people minds. References Susan M. Freese Bernard L. Cohen, Sc. D. Professor at the University of Pittsburgh Bianca Arista Chaves Jason Cause and Effect Essay Why do we sleep? Sleep is necessary for our health.Our body needs rest like it need water, food and oxygen. Humans are not machines. They work 12 hours so they need rest. Even a machine needs to take some rest after 7-8 hours. Many of scientists research on this topic that â€Å"Why do we need sleep? † . Researches have shown to us that when we sleep our body parts which are in pain gets rest (James A. Horne). Whenever we wake up we have more strength and feel better than before. So sleep makes us stronger. While if we won’t get some sleep, our head or body start to pain or we will begin to sleep in a standing or in a sitting position.People need 8 hours to sleep. 8 hours are max for sleep. If a person is getting a sleep 4-5 hours he or she will start confusing, become absentminded and see illusions (Mary L. Gavin, MD). Human brains carries two phase with them. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. These two phases have physiological, neurological and psychological structures. In 1960s, two scientists defined a characteristic of sleep. They said that eight hour sleep will give you 5 sleep cycles. They also mentioned that that NREM cycles become s maller and REM sleep rises (Rebecca turner).Lack of sleepiness can cause our brain damages. There is a part of brain which works to control language, memory, planning and sense of time. If we don’t sleep, it will definitely have an effect on that part of our mind. And it doesn’t affect only on that part of our mind but also make us lack of physical and emotional health. In fact sicknesses like if we keep wide-awake our self, our brain starts to blackout and we start to feel doze (Alex West comb, Andrew Green). When we start to sleep our half body between 90-110 minutes is awake and half is as in sleeping position. In this situation, we can get up easily.But after 90-110 minutes, our muscles starts to relax and our body start to sleep. During sleep, if we entered the stage of deep sleep so we usually have some night terrors or sleep walking problems. But some children during a deep sleep get bed-wetting problems (Carlos H. Scheck, M. D. , Carlos Scheck). Sleeping is hea lthy for our body. It gives lots of benefits to us. A good sleep can keep you out of risks. Even avoiding 1 night sleep can make you kind of bad-tempered and awkward. After 5-6 days you will get health problems like illness, headaches and pain in muscles etc.So get some sleep to get ready for next day with more strength and power. References James A. Horne Mary L. Gavin, MD Rebecca turner Alex West comb, Andrew Green Carlos H. Scheck, M. D. , Carlos Scheck Cause and Effects Essay How does Tobacco use affect the human body? Tobacco is made from dried nicotine-rich leaves found in American plant, used for smoking and chewing. Tobacco was not so popular when it was first made. Its journey begins in 1600 from â€Å"BRAZIL†. It was then given in â€Å"ENGLAND† and then to â€Å"TURKEY† and so on. In England 1602, an anonymous doctor wrote â€Å"tobacco is bad for human health.It evaporates man’s unctuous and radical moistures†. And it was proved later t hat what doctor said, was true (Gene Barrio). There are many types of tobacco like, cocaine, hallucinate, nicotine, etc. They are spreading in human’s body with each and every sip they inhale. Inhaling tobacco damage human lungs and make human weak and unhealthy. It reduces human strength and making him addicted to it (Fowler, J. S; Volker, N. D. ). Tobacco plant â€Å"NICOTINE† is a main reason of deaths that are happing in this world. It cause more damage than any others herb. Nicotine contains the most dangerous poisonous oily liquid found in tobacco.As it has a bad effect on human health. At present, 3 million peoples are dying daily by the use of nicotine and if it continues so in the near future 2030, 10 million people will die annually (Fowler, J. S; Volker, N. D. ). Another plant of tobacco is â€Å"HALLUCINATE†. It makes a person to see something which is not actually there. After using it, it makes you aware of somebody’s existence which is not real and doesn’t belong to the physical world. Some examples of it are â€Å"DESERT MIRAGE†, or a â€Å"SOUND† we might have just heard. It also makes a person that everything around him is moving or revolving (Court JA).Third plant of tobacco is cocaine. It is an â€Å"addictive stimulant drug obtained from the leaves of a tropical plant†. This drug is self-administrated in several ways. Many people abuse it by snorting it thorough there nasal sinuses, either alone or with heroin (speedball) mixing in it. It’s another method of administration, which produces its effects more quickly is â€Å"smoking it in with the form of cocaine† (Court JA). In today’s world, tobacco is like a serious problem. People die every day without knowing the cause. And if they know its disadvantage so they don’t know how to stop it.Because it makes them relax, makes them feel what they want to feel. Some people takes these drugs because they want to forget something that happened in their past. I suggest that if we don’t stop now, so in the future there will be no human left on this planet. References Gene Barrio Fowler, J. S; Volker, N. D. Court JA Cause and Effect Essay What are the causes of Tornadoes? Tornadoes are a violent rotating wind storm. They create most powerful winds on the Earth and are capable of destroying anything that comes in their way. A tornado is formed when high and low pressure dash together.There may be local storms too. A typical tornado can be 400-500 feet wide with less than a 1000 thousand feet long and has winds less than 112 miles per hour. Whereas strong tornadoes are a mile wide with strongest winds more than 300-700 miles per hour and can survive more than an hour or 200 miles travelling along with the ground, smashing everything. (Seymour Simon) There are many types of tornadoes like hurricane, storm and typhoon. Hurricane and typhoon have the 200-300 mph speed of winds. Storms that gi ve rise to these tornadoes can cause numerous damages by ruining crops, or throwing things own to the ground at high speed. A biggest rock was found in Coffeyville, Kansas, on September 3, 1970; weighted 1. 67 pounds and was 17. 5 inched around, which was thrown by a storm lifting it above in the sky and then threw it from the sky at high speed (Howard B. Bluestein; Professor of Metrology University of Oklahoma). Many peoples have gone inside these tornadoes but only some of them were able to survive. On June 16, 1928, a man named Will Keller survived the tornado. He said that a twister approached his Kansas farm, Keller saw that something lift him over the ground and move slowly over his head.He reported that â€Å"It was a strong, gassy odor . . . a screaming hissing sound . . . I looked up . . . there was a circular opening in the center of the funnel. . . The walls of this opening were of rotating clouds and the whole was made brilliantly visible by constant flashes of lightnin g which zigzagged from side to side† (Joe Thorn) Later on there are some rules made for providing safety from tornadoes. Those rules for the safety from tornadoes are there must be a basement in house or a building. Or move to small interior room and get under the sturdy piece of furniture.Put as many walls as possible between you and outside. Stay away from windows. Get out of automobiles for shelter (Barry Leonard). There are many safety rules made for these tornadoes. Warnings were also given by forecasters. But these warnings or safety rules cannot save our lives. There is no perfect rule made up till now. But in the future there is. References Seymour Simon Howard B. Bluestein; Professor of Metrology University of Oklahoma Joe Thorn Barry Leonard Cause and Effect Essay In what ways do Video Games affect children and teenagers? Video games are the games played on a television screen.In the history of video games, the first game which was launched in â€Å"1958† is k nown as â€Å"TENNIS†. It was created by â€Å"William Higginbotham†. In 1972, another game was launched known as â€Å"PONG† which opened the doors for the future games. It was invented by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Danby. In 1975, a game name â€Å"GUN FIGHTER† was released by Tomohiro Nishikado. It was a shooter game. This game opened the doors for America. America uses this game for the Intel 8080 and made it a first game which is used on a microprocessor (By D. B. Weston). After 1990s the changes were made in video games and were continued.Later on, they has emerged computing, art work, 3d effects, graphics and some realistic photographic work by bringing them together. They made crime emerged including highway hijacking, mortal combat, etc. New technologies (games system) take place with improved graphics, speed, increased in CD-ROM capacity, etc. In 1995, it was observed that in homes more than 40% of children demand new games. Then computer games were started to make on a large scale using more machineries. Games started to fill with horror and terrifying imaginaries  (By Barrie Gunter). Young generation starts to become addicted to these video games.With the improvement in video games children start to seem lack in other activities. Young boys and as well as adults were also become a part of it. They were cashed using them to play these games. Different types of areas opened in which games were played. These games started to increase sale. Billions of games were sold in just one second. People start to love this. Because these games make them happy, feel them more excited. But somehow disadvantages were also seen. These games were making young people angrier. They start to become easily annoyed or irritate (By Barrie Gunter).Another disadvantage was these games cause effects on human health. Medical reports have shown that players are suffering from many diseases. According to Loftus (1983), young generations were having cont inuous or long lasting dull pains in their body. Those games in which analogs were used cause effects on skin, joint and muscle problems. When Loftus examined 65% of arcade video games players, they were suffering with â€Å"small bubbles on skin, fingers were filled with thickened and hardened skin, pain in their tissues and were having lack of feeling, thinking, reactions powers† (Barrie Gunter).Video games are harmful for children because they start to neglect from doing educational, social and leisure activities. They start to believe in imaginary world. Always think about something which doesn’t exist in this real world. To stop them from using video games is to involve them in other activities. Make them to participate in social life activities so that they can use their minds in right activity. References D. B. Weston Barrie Gunter Cause and Effect Essay What is stress? Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response.The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Many events that happen to you and around you and many things that you do yourself put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. Stress can be positive. For example, if a person is going to school for first time. So he will be excited but also nervous about being liked or accepted. As a result, a person gets frightened or nervous. Stress becomes negative. For example, if a person moves to new school leaving his good friends.As a result, a person gets headaches or stomachaches (Susan Gregson). Stress can lead to physical symptoms including heart attack/strokes, ulcers, diabetes, angina, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Physical disorders like anxiety and depression, including break down (Stephen Palmer). Human body was designed to respond â€Å"short-term† stress. A chronic effect can cause many problems on human body, including all kinds of illness es, syndromes, signs and symptoms (Kate Middleton). Stress also becomes harmful when people use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try and relieve their stress.Unfortunately, instead of relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances tend to keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems. Over 323,000 people are using heroin and 1. 67 million people are using cocaine in United States because of stress (Ray Goldberg). Stress has become the most serious problem now a day. Many people are disturbed because of it. There is no solution to this problem. Everyday overburden can cause a person into many diseases. So the only solution to this problem is that take only that much work which you can handle by yourself.And try to keep yourself calm. References Susan Gregson Kate Middleton Ray Goldberg Stephen Palmer Narrative Essay What are the ways to speak effectively? Effective communication is a skill which you can learn. It doesn’t matter how ol d you are? Or which kind of background you have? If you have confidence and knowledge you can learn it easily. An effective speaking gives a pleasurable effect to listeners. When you look back in history you can see the effectiveness of their dialogue. For example you can read the speech of the Great Martin Luther, who set out a great example of humanity (Sheryl Lind sell-Roberts).I can share experience of my university. It was the first day of my university when I entered my class room. I see that some of my class fellows were new and some of them were old friends. I introduce myself to new class fellows and as for the old one I reintroduced myself reminding them about our past class. I call my class fellows with their name so that I can remember them. I stand up when someone introduce himself to me, talk to them in good way and ask them about their past experience. Then at the end of my conversation I say good bye to all (Brain Tracy’s Blog).I remember when I was on the gro und floor having fun with my class fellows. I saw a student who was looking similar to me but I couldn’t remember his name. As a result, I wasn’t able to call his name but when I talked to him he told me that he was my school friend. It was the awkward moment for me because I don’t forget anyone. At that day, I promise myself that I will never forget anyone’s name. After that next day when everyone knows about each other, conversation becomes easier. If I want to talk to someone I get his attention first. Facing them and having an eye contact with them makes my message clearer (John A.Kline). Shaking hands before talk give a good impression on someone. I remember that when I was called by administrator in his office to change the card. As I entered the room I greet him without shaking hand. Thus, it gives a wrong impression. So I have to keep it remember that if I meet to someone always shake hand with him first (Jean Bordeaux). These are the effective co mmunication skills that a person needs. This will also help you in your journey. All you need is confidence and knowledge like me. I accept that I had made some mistakes too but it doesn’t make me a bad speaker.So start practicing it to have some new experience in your life. References Sheryl Lind sell-Roberts Brain Tracy’s Blog John A. Kline Jean Bordeaux Narrative Essay Pros and Cons of Teamwork Teamwork needs the organized effort as a group. Teamwork needs the participation of all members in the activity. Without participation team work is useless. To do teamwork all members must be connected with one another so they can communicate. And if one of the team members was informed late or doesn’t get the information at all. So he or she can get all of the other team members into trouble (Price Pritchett).Three years back, I and my team members got a project on â€Å"Govt. vs. public†. So I and my team members decided that we will start our search on projec t next day. Next day in the morning, my whole group was sitting together. They were having a discussion on the project that from where did they start their search? At 8:00 A. M. I come 2 hours late on that day. Although the ideas were too many in mind but I was confused that what should be the perfect idea? But when I shared my ideas with my team members, so some of them worked (Price Pritchett). The first idea of mine was to separate my team members into 2 groups.Group A will research on the role of Government. And group B will have a search on role of public. The second idea of mine was to give these 2 groups eras from 1951-2010. These eras were divided into 2 â€Å"1951-1981 and 1982-2010†. From 1951-1981 was given to the Group A. And the era from 1982-2010 was given to the Group B (Price Pritchett). We have almost 20 days left to complete our search. Search was completed in 12 days. Now we got only 8 days left to practice. So, I went to the teacher to share my idea. She s aid that I can make group to sit in front of each other and then have the discussion.ButIdidn’t agree with that idea of my teacher because on that day we have 1 hour and 30 minutes to talk on that topic. And if we continuously keep talking on one topic so audience will surely get bored. I start thinking and came up with an idea that if I can make a play on that topic, audience will take interest in it (Peter Levin). I and my team members practiced it every day 7-8 hours. I was having a watch on all team members. Because if one of our team members will not participate in group presentation. All what we have done would be for nothing. At last, on that day our play takes an interesting start.My team members were seemed to be very confident on that day. As I thought, audiences were getting into it. And in the end, teacher and everybody who were presented on that day like our role play (Peter Levin). Teamwork is a skill which requires bravery and wisdom. Only a hard worker can lea d a team to success. It needs a lot of courage to lead a team like I have done by understanding and making them believe in their selves. References Price Pritchett Peter Levin Narrative Essay Which types of Shops do you use to buy different things? Why? Shopping is a part of our life because they fulfill our needs.To do shopping you have to go shopping malls. Shopping malls in today’s world are huge. They deliver us everything that we want. Majority of people use to come at weekends like me. Shopping malls sometimes become congested. You can find thousands of shops in just one shopping mall with food and ice-cream shops, theater for movie and play land for children etc. I usually go on shopping with my family. Whenever I go to any shopping mall I use to enjoy myself (Anna Schiff). I and my family go to shopping malls because we get each and every single thing in just one place.And it’s the main advantage. I use to buy branded clothes from showrooms in the malls. Anothe r reason that I use to go shopping malls is that they attract so much. Special arrangements are made like expensive tiles, ponds, fresh flowers, lift, moving stairs, cleaned floors, sitting area for rest and lights give such an impressive view to me that I don’t want to come out (Michelle Gonzalez). There are lots of movies in theater ready to play. All we just have to do is select a movie and buy tickets for it. We usually came to theater after when shopping is finished.But my brother starts arguing with me. Whenever we come to shopping mall, he used to say â€Å"I want to go before the shopping†. Actually he wants all the fun before we can start shopping so he can have more time to play. He always spends money in play land in buying coins to play games in fun land (Cora Molinari). I used to visit mobile shops. I love mobiles because of their advance technology as well as impressive looks. Mobiles are the most advance technology ever created in world. New inventions l ike, touch screen, notebook, android mobiles are available. I want touch and android mobile.Whenever I go to shopping mall I ask my father to buy me a new mobile (Kim France, Andrea Linnet). Shopping malls have become expensive in these days. There is the main reason for it. Sometimes I think that even there is one place left in world where there is no issue of money? Where people are free to buy anything for them at low price? But I can only imagine all of this. So I suggest that always have fun in your life. And if you are not able to buy something from shopping malls so go to shops. References Anna Schiff Michelle Gonzalez Cora Molinari Kim France, Andrea Linnet Compare and Contrast EssayWhat is culture? Describe different types of company’s cultures. A culture is the arts, customs, and institutions of a nation, people, or group. But when we are talking about company culture it is different from the other cultures. It’s about what you have learned from those things which you practice there with other employee’s? Company Culture is entirely different from the hospital culture and university culture. We can understand the culture of company by looking it (Mats Elverson, Per Olaf Berg). There are two types of company culture â€Å"Corporate culture and Organizational Culture†.In Corporate Culture some people states that it is something which describe a business. But the other people view is that it includes employee arrogance, morals, finances and services. In Organizational Culture some people declares that it is about the way in which we do things around business. Whereas others people says that it is about something to do with the superiority and elegance of employees or those people who are there (Mats Elverson, Per Olaf Berg). Organizational Culture types are creating, collaborating, controlling and compete (Cameron, Kim S. and Quinn, Robert).However, Corporate Culture types are core, aspirational, permission-to-play and accide ntal (Mary J. Davis). The first type of Organization is creating in which people says â€Å"having organization highlighting with the change, alteration and organic processes of culture† (Cameron, Kim S. and Quinn, Robert). But in Corporate Culture first type which was core it says â€Å"it is more about values that are untouchable and acutely fixed with the ideologies that lead an employer’s† (Mary J. Davis). Rendering the second type of Organization Culture is control (hierarchy).It says that to share connections with the conventionally large, administrative corporation (Cameron, Kim S. and Quinn, Robert). Nevertheless second Corporate Culture type â€Å"aspirational† it says that those values that a company needs to succeed (Mary J. Davis). According to the third type of Organizational Culture is â€Å"compete (market)†. It is related to relationships, transactions, suppliers, unions, etc. (Cameron, Kim S. and Quinn, Robert). But in the Corporat e Culture type â€Å"permission to play† it relates with lowest negotiating that reflects morals required of any employee (Mary J.Davis). In the fourth type of Organizational Culture which is collaborating. It says that it is more about accentuating suppleness and decision rather than constancy and mechanism of Control and Compete (Cameron, Kim S. and Quinn, Robert). On the other hand the fourth type of Corporative Culture style which is accidental. It says that it can hold the time when beliefs rise (Mary J. Davis). We have discussed two Cultures of a company in detail with their types. So now they depend on person choice that weather he wants to apply Organizational Culture or Corporate Culture in his company.An Organizational culture can bring changes to the policies while a Corporative Culture brings physical changes in people only. References Mats Elverson, Per Olaf Berg Cameron, Kim S. and Quinn, Robert Mary J. Davis Compare and Contrast Essay Which is the most importan t Invention for the last 100 years? Which one do you wish had not been Invented? Science and Technology are changing this world day by day. It brings such a fast change in human life that it doesn’t only change the way of thinking but it also changes human’s life style, educational systems, etc.Science and technology have taught us the way to live our life. It has made our work easy by giving us the technology of machines One machine can do a work of hundred human’s within a second. For example, for fastest growth in agriculture new kinds of seeds, sprays, tractors are used. For fastest transportation trains, ships, air planes, cars, bikes are used. For fastest communication internet, mobiles are used. But the main role is played by computers. As everybody know that computers are the most common and fastest technology used in every home (P. Day). Computers are necessary in today’s life.Without computer we can’t survive. People in the past have a lo t of problems with them. Like in the past the people were disturbed with the use of animal skin, feather, grains, pens, inks, papers and chalk. But now we have to use nothing because of computers we can get all those in just one place. Calculation was the most serious problem in the past. Computer helps us to solve this problem. In bank all electronic fund transferring, maintaining of customer’s account, credits cards, bills payment, transactions, updating of account, are all carried by computer(Gary B.Shelly, Misty E. Vermont). Mobile phone are the another technology as gift of the science. As compared to computers the use of mobile are also common. In past time sometimes you forget your watch. So mobile helped to remove the wristwatch because you can forget your watch but cannot forget your mobile. It acts like your dairy. You can put as much notes as you want. You can call anyone at any time. It’s give you reminder which helps you to wake up in the morning. Calculat or and other extra options are also given to make your work easier.But mobiles now a day are creating problems (Adam Burgess). Cell phones are the part of everyday life for many people. Children, teenagers and adults have different kinds of uses of it. Adults use to stay in touch with business contact. But children, teenagers use to talk or send messages which are not necessary at the moment. In fact, if somebody has a nonstop use of it so they can cause headaches, brain tumors and other effects on health. Even international research has shown to us that mobile phones are damaging to health in the short or long term (George L.Carlo, Polly Thibodaux). Science and technology holds the advantages as well as disadvantages too. It may have transformed our life in modern life. Improve our way of living, public welfares, health and security. Brought many changes in our life but it has also made our life short. It has health effects like tiny size, minor the age, cause us stress, pain in ey e, etc. So we can hope from science and technology for better future but not a safe future. References P. Day Gary B. Shelly, Misty E. Vermont Adam Burgess George L. Carlo, Polly Thibodaux